EEUU/ 2024 / 6’ / M-16, VOSE
A lone stranger rides into a weathered settlement and tussles with the locals. After a lethal encounter, the gunslinger is transported to a mysterious lounge, where he learns secrets of a trade he never imagined.
Top Secret Jazz
Dirección | Directing: Tommy Simms & Joe Ludwig
Reparto | Cast: Joe Ludwig, Tommy Simms, Lovely Socialite
Guion | Script: Tommy Simms & Joe Ludwig
Producción | Producer: Simwig Studios
Dirección de fotografía | Cinematography: Joe Ludwig & Tommy Simms
Dirección artística | Art Director / Production design: Tomy Simms & Joe Ludwig
Montaje | Editing: Tommy Simms
Música | Score: Lovely Socialite
Sonido | Sound: Tommy Simms & Joe Ludwig
Reparto | Cast: Joe Ludwig, Tommy Simms, Lovely Socialite
Guion | Script: Tommy Simms & Joe Ludwig
Producción | Producer: Simwig Studios
Dirección de fotografía | Cinematography: Joe Ludwig & Tommy Simms
Dirección artística | Art Director / Production design: Tomy Simms & Joe Ludwig
Montaje | Editing: Tommy Simms
Música | Score: Lovely Socialite
Sonido | Sound: Tommy Simms & Joe Ludwig
Vestuario | Costume: Tommy Simms, Joe Ludwig, Corey Murphy
Recomendada para mayores de 16 años
Proyección el Sábado, 12 de octubre a las 18:00 h en el Salón de carruajes del Fort Bravo Texas Holllywood
Tommy Simms y Joe Ludwig
Tommy Simms and Joe Ludwig are a directing duo of award-winning filmmakers who have had their films screened worldwide. With backgrounds in visual art, animation, film, music, computer graphics, and acting, Tommy and Joe combine their skills to make each Simwig Studios production a cinematic experience.
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