EEUU / 2024 / 15’ / M-16, VOSE
Bleach Bone is the story of a man trying to confront his guilt by digging up the remains of an old friend. Returning to the land of his youth and the site of a robbery, Dwain wrestles with the nature of motivation and culpability as he contemplates the bones long buried beneath humanity’s race for progress.
Bleach Bone
Reparto | Cast: David Turley, Jeff Medley, Lily Gladstone
Guion | Script:John D. Nilles and Josh Wagner
Producción | Producer: Josh Wagner
Dirección de fotografía | Cinematography: Jon Aaseng
Dirección artística | Art Director / Production design: –
Montaje | Editing: Jon Aaseng and John D. Nilles
Música | Score: John D. Nilles and Jake Whitecar
Sonido | Sound: Josh Wagner and John D. Nilles
Vestuario | Costume: Kara Chandler
Proyección el Sábado, 12 de octubre a las 18:00 h en el Salón de carruajes del Fort Bravo Texas Holllywood
John D. Nilles
John D. Nilles is a 5th generation Montanan, filmmaker, & film educator. With over 20 years of industry experience, John has written, directed, & produced a number of Westerns, Science Fiction, and works where these genres intersect. John currently resides in Missoula, Montana where he owns & Treasure State Studios.
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